· Red Clay Valley Scenic Byway Design Standards Overlay Public Meeting, February 12, 7 p.m. presentation, 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. displays, Ashland Nature Center (3511 Barley Mill Road, Hockessin, DE 19707), www.wilmapco.org/redclay
· Transportation Improvement Program Open House Workshop – February 23, 4 – 6:30 p.m., Newark Public Li
CLNCC President Chuck Stirk sent this along ~
Red Clay Valley Scenic Byway Design Standards Overlay Advisory Committee Meeting #1There's also a Public Workshop for the project on February 12, 7 p.m. presentation, 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. displays, Ashland Nature Center http://www.wilmapco.org/RCVSBfeb12publicmeeting.pdf
Tuesday, February 10, 2015, 1 p.m., Ashland Nature Center
About the Red Clay Valley Scenic Byway
And from WILMAPCO ~The Red Clay Valley Scenic Byway is a series of 28 roads in northern Delaware, offering views of rolling hills, upland forest, meandering creeks and pastoral flood plains, roughly located between Routes 48 and 52. Its 2008 Corridor Management Plan established a vision, mission, goals and guiding principles for the Byway.CMP Vision Statement: “To ensure the preservation and conservation of the irreplaceable resources that together form the Red Clay Valley and its Scenic Byway.”CMP Mission Statement: “To support enhancement and restoration efforts, where needed, to continually improve the values of the Byway’s identified scenic, natural and historic qualities.”CMP Goals speak to conserving intrinsic qualities; encouraging context sensitive design that respects the scale and character of surroundings and minimizes change to intrinsic qualities; balancing transportation and safety needs in a manner that respects intrinsic qualities; and protecting resources, while recognizing the needs and interests of stakeholders, landowners, organizations and businesses.Guiding Principle: Protect and enhance the Intrinsic Qualities of the Byway.
Where we are going (project definition), Why we are doing this (purpose and intent: “Local Commitment”)
3) Review of the Unified Development Code (UDC): Has the UDC addressed the recommendations of the Corridor Management Plan (CMP)?
Refinements made, if any Conflicts that exist, if any 4) Investigation of Best Management Practices
Examples Objective: to develop a Menu of Strategies for achieving the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the CMP
5) Outreach
Goal: To give the public access to the planning effort and the opportunity to commenton implementation strategies Website/publicity
Public Workshop7) Schedule/ Next Steps/ Roles and responsibilities/ Q&A
Red Clay Valley Scenic Byway Design Standards Overlay Advisory Committee,The rescheduled kick-off Advisory Committee for the development of Red Clay Valley Scenic Byway Design Standards Overlay Zoning will now be held Tuesday, February 10, 1 p.m. in the Ashland Nature Center (3511 Barley Mill Road, Hockessin, DE 19707).WILMAPCO, John Gaadt, NCC, and Townscape Design, LLC are working to develop design standards for the byway based in part on the Corridor Management Plan. They would like to have the members of the Alliance attend the first Advisory Committee meeting to give their input if you are able to.
A copy of the meeting agenda is attached. I look forward to seeing you then.In the meantime, please contact me at 302.737.6205, ext. 118 or email hdunigan@wilmapco.org if you have any questions or ideas for the project.Sincerely,Heather DuniganHeather Dunigan, Principal Planner
850 Library Ave., Suite 100, Newark, DE 19711
302/737-6205 ext. 118hdunigan@wilmapco.org