About Us

Founded in 1962, the Civic League For New Castle County is an organization comprised of community civic associations, umbrella civic groups, good government groups, businesses, and interested individuals. The League provides a forum for education about, discussion of, and action on issues relating to the impact of government on the quality of life in New Castle County

Sunday, September 27, 2020

CLNCC Public ZOOM Meeting 7PM Tuesday, September 29th - All Welcome!


7 p.m. Tuesday, September 29th

The Civic League for New Castle County is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Sep 29, 2020 07:00 – 09:00 PM

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Meeting ID: 898 692 4710  Passcode: 12345

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Meeting ID: 898 692 4710  Passcode: 12345

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kjPcmlNKt



Call to Order

1). Officers Reports 



Vice Presidents


2). Vic Singer on Churchman’s Crossing Plan

3). October CLNCC Annual Meeting Planning – Election of Officers and Bylaw Amendments 

4). Coralie Pryde on working to defeat the New Jersey LNG Export Facility proposed for Gibbstown

5). New Business 


Churchman’s Crossing Study

CLNCC members Bill Dunn, Vic Singer, and Nancy Willing participated in a “Listening Tour” meeting with consultant Andrew Bing and government staff (representing WILMAPCO, NCC Dept. of Land Use, and DelDOT). Barry Shotwell was also contacted by Mr. Bing for a one-on-one informational call. And we all attended the first Public Workshop held online last Wednesday (scroll down for meeting info below).  This study is on the agenda for discussion at our September meeting.

Councilman Carter Proposal for Additional Elements to the NCC Comp Plan: Environmental and Social Justice and Hazard Mitigation - Sierra Club of DE 

Sierra Club of Delaware, IMPORTANT: NCCo meeting on Tuesday re: Carter ordinance 20-101 
Dustyn and I wanted to give a quick update on Councilman Carter's ordinance to, for the first time ever, require that the Comp Plan include sections dedicated to Environmental and Social Justice and Hazard Mitigation. 
There is an important New Castle Co. Executive Committee meeting on Tuesday, 9/22/2020 at 3:00 pm. where this ordinance (20-101) will be considered.  Here is the agenda for the meeting:  https://nccde.org/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_09222020-1986 
It is important that we support this ordinance through public testimony and letters to urge the council to move this forward quickly.  According to Councilman Carter, even a delay of a few months could result in the path of the comp plan process being set and the issues/elements in 20-101 would not be very prominent, resulting in the status quo as it relates to equity issues. 
We need to demonstrate strong support in New Castle County.  We encourage you, your friends, and other advocates to send letters to councilmembers in support of Carter's ordinance to include environmental and social justice and hazard mitigation in the comp plan: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/include-environmental-social-justice-in-the-new-castle-county-comprehensive-plan-2?clear_id=true&source=direct_link

Please stay tuned for more information.


Sherri and Dustyn

Sherri L. Evans-Stanton, Chapter Director

Delaware Chapter of the Sierra Club 

Note: The Civic League has partnered this year with the Sierra Club and other organizations to monitor and engage in the NCC 2022 Comprehensive Plan process. 

The groups first worked as a team to help our friends on the NCC Council defeat Ord. 20-008 which would partially reverse the “Landfill” Ord. 19-046 and return Heavy Industrial zoned parcels to Use-By-Right status. 

There is now a lawsuit filed by CRODA over HI parcels’ Special Use status and Nancy Willing has filed a FOIA with NCC to determine how much communication may have occurred between the county administration, members of council, and land use attorneys regarding Ord. 19-046 (https://www.nccde.org/DocumentCenter/View/30682/19-046) 

  • Sierra Club Delaware Chapter 
  • Concerned Residents For Environmental Justice 
  • Route Nine Civic Association 
  • Dunleith Civic Association 
  • Community Benefits Agreement Coalition 
  • Claymont Citizens Environmental Group 
  • New Castle County Prevention Coalition 
  • Civic League for New Castle County

New Jersey LNG Export Facility Approval Delayed

DRBC holds off - for now - moving forward with Delaware River port expansion to transport fracking products

The Delaware River Basin Commission voted Thursday to place on hold a potential port expansion in New Jersey which would create a route for shipping fracking byproduct. The Gibbstown Logistics Center, a multi-use deep water seaport, introduced a plan to construct a wharf 650 feet from the Delaware River shoreline that would include a pair of deep water berths to accommodate the export of liquefied natural gas along the waterway. An administrative appeal was filed seeking a halt to the project, and ultimately, the commission voted to halt the project until all evidence could be more closely reviewed.  
........Support was voiced by DNREC Secretary Shawn Garvin, who said Delaware supports the stay and all of the hard work and "sheer magnitude of information and process that has gone on" by all parties put into making the appeal. "Delaware's looking to finish our thoughtful review of that information, but I want to be clear," Garvin said. "Delaware support for this motion is for us to reasonably complete the process, and should not be read as anything else." The motion passed with only Lt. Col. David Park, of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, voting against the motion. Pennsylvania representation abstained. 
During the public comment section of the meeting, the commission found unanimous support for staying the project and pleas for them to ultimately reject what the project might mean for those who utilize or live along the river.  "The league across the country believes that a democracy is best served when we have an informed public," said Coralie Pryde, of the Delaware League of Women Voters. "Delawareans, by and large, have not been very aware of the Gibbstown project. and this gives us a chance to look at it in further detail. So we thank the commission. The league also supports a full ban on fracking and all fracking-related activities." The impacts would have detrimental effects on the food chain, fishing, and marine birds of the Delaware Bay, she said, adding studies show methane gas released from fracking can have effects 500 times as powerful as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. 

Monday, September 21, 2020

Call In Support Tuesday, September 22nd For NCC Councilman Carter's Ord. 20-101 To Add Environmental And Social Justice And Hazard Mitigation To Our 2022 Comp Plan Update

 From the Sierra Club of Delaware -

NCC Councilman Carter's Ordinance 20-101 to, for the first time ever, require that the Comp Plan include sections dedicated to Environmental and Social Justice and Hazard Mitigation. 

There is an important New Castle Co. Executive Committee meeting on Tuesday, 9/22/2020 at 3:00 pm. where this ordinance (20-101) will be considered.  Here is the agenda for the meeting:  https://nccde.org/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_09222020-1986.  To participate in the meeting, use either of these options:

Call in #'s are:  1-312-626-6799 or +1-646-558-8656 or +1-346-248-7799 or +1-669-900-9128 or +1-253-215-8782 or +1-301-715-8592. Then enter the Webinar ID: 377 322 142.

It is important that we support this ordinance through public testimony and letters to urge the council to move this forward quickly.  According to Councilman Carter,  even a delay of a few months could result in the path of the comp plan process being set and the issues/elements in 20-101 would not be very prominent, resulting in the status quo as it relates to equity issues.

We need to demonstrate strong support in New Castle County.  We encourage you, your friends, and other advocates to send letters to councilmembers in support of Carter's ordinance to include environmental and social justice and hazard mitigation in the comp plan: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/include-environmental-social-justice-in-the-new-castle-county-comprehensive-plan-2?clear_id=true&source=direct_link


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

WILMAPCO Virtual Public Workshop on the Churchman's Crossing Plan, 5:30PM Wednesday, September 16th (RSVP)

From the Wilmington Area Planning Council ~

5:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 16th
A virtual public workshop will be held on Wednesday, September 16th to provide an update on the Churchman’s Crossing Plan. 
The virtual workshop will take place at 5:30 p.m. (log in and registration starts at 5:00, with the presentation starting at 5:30).  
The Wilmington Area Planning Council (WILMAPCO), DelDOT, and the New Castle County Land Use Department are developing an update to the 1977 Churchman's Crossing Plan. The update will take a little more than one year to complete, with the anticipated completion in Fall 2021. This first public workshop will serve as a formal kickoff for that study as they share some preliminary background information and engage in and with the public. 
To register to attend the virtual event, please click here

Special Meeting 17 Sept. Thurs. 7PM Topic: Flooding Woodland Run Park and Sewer Blowback Issues Woodland Park : Second Follow Up Zoom Meeting

Special Meeting 17 Sept. Thurs. 7PM Topic: Flooding Woodland Run Park and Sewer Blowback Issues Woodland Park : Second Follow Up Zoom Meeting

Topic: Special Meeting 17 Sept. Thurs. 7PM Topic: Flooding Woodland Run Park and Sewer Blowback Issues Woodland Park : Second Follow Up Zoom Meeting
Time: Sep 17, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 

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Meeting ID: 898 692 4710
Passcode: 12345 
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Meeting ID: 898 692 4710
Passcode: 12345
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kjPcmlNKt