About Us

Founded in 1962, the Civic League For New Castle County is an organization comprised of community civic associations, umbrella civic groups, good government groups, businesses, and interested individuals. The League provides a forum for education about, discussion of, and action on issues relating to the impact of government on the quality of life in New Castle County

Monday, March 20, 2023

Updated: CLNCC ZOOM Meeting: Guest, Misty Seemans On Why We Need Access Police Misconduct Records, 7PM Tuesday, March 21st

CLNCC Monthly Meeting

7 p.m. Tuesday, March 21st


Thank you, WDEL reporter Rachel Suga for covering our March Civic League for NCC discussion with Office of Defense Servies public defender Misty Seemans. She nolted that she was not speaking on behalf of the department in voicing her advocacy to repeal harmful aspects of LEOBOR in the Delaware State Code 

Wilmington Assistant Public Defender: DE police records shouldn't be confidential: "Wilmington Assistant Public Defender Misty Seemans says that she started keeping a Word document with a running list of police officers that would repeatedly misconduct themselves on the job, according to her multiple sources. Her documents contain information about why the issues were happening, and if there have been past complaints and consistent problems with the same officers.

The Civic League for New Castle County gathered tonight to discuss the public having access to police misconduct records with Seemans, and why that can be an imperative step towards making progress..........she is pushing for lifting secrecy of police misconduct records in Delaware law and told the Civic League of New Castle County Tuesday night that in the Delaware Law Enforcement Bill of Rights, police misconduct records are confidential."


Civic League for New Castle County Zoom Meeting
Time: Tuesday March 21st 2023 7:00 PM EST

Guest: Misty Seemans is an Assistant Public Defender in Wilmington, Delaware

Topic :: Why we need access to police misconduct records in Delaware

Zoom Link :: https://tinyurl.com/2p8znsjt


Here is a link to Misty Seemans five-part series "Why we need access to police misconduct records in Delaware" at the Delaware Call "about how and why Delaware’s Law-Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights (LEOBOR) needs to be reformed, and reformed now. Part I addresses “The Problem” – how LEOBOR has kept police misconduct secret. Part II will address “The History” – the history of LEOBOR in the First State. Part III will address “The Myth” – how myths and facts have informed and influenced this debate. Part IV will address “The Solution” – the need for defense counsel access to these records. And, finally, Part V, “The Public,” will address why public access matters."

PART I: The problem: How LEOBOR has kept police misconduct secret

Part II: The History: How the First State came to adopt LEOBOR

Part III: The Myths: How myths and facts have informed and influenced the LEOBOR debate
